制造系统生产运作与物流管理; 商业与服务系统运作优化与决策;质量系统工程;数据挖掘与商务智能
2013.9-2022.8,任东北财经大学 管理科学与工程学院 院长、学科带头人;
教育部高等学校本科教学指导委员会委员(管理科学与工程类)、辽宁省普通高等学校教学指导委员会副主任(管理科学与工程类)、国家自然科学基金学科评审专家组成员、国家社会科学规划专家评审组成员;中国管理科学与工程学会常务理事;中国系统工程学会常务理事、中国管理现代化研究会常务理事、中国系统工程学会物流系统工程专业委员会副主、Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications(AJMSA)、Frontiers of Engineering Management编委、系统工程理论与实践、系统工程学部、控制与决策等杂志编委;
l 2019.01-2023.12,国家自然科学基金重点项目(71831003),O2O模式下即时配送服务运作管理的理论与方法,负责人
l 2018.01-2020.12,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目(91747105), 澜沧江流域水资源的多利益主体协同分配机制与优化调度研究,负责人, 80万元;
l 2017-2019,辽宁省高等学校创新团队支持计划:大数据驱动的运作管理与优化决策”(项目批准号:WT2016001),50万元;
l 2015.01-2019.12,国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目(71420107028),流水-单元混合装配系统的优化设计与批调度的理论与方法,负责人,180万元;
l 2013-2017,国家自然科学基金(61273204),基于QFD和数据挖掘的卷烟产品叶组配方优化关键技术研究,负责人;80万元;
l 2011-2013,国家创新研究群体科学基金(第二期,延续资助项目,71021061),“先进运作管理中的建模、优化与决策分析的基础理论与方法”,负责人,420万元
l 2013-2015,教育部博士点专项基金(20120042110023):集中式接送机场服务中的车辆分配与调度方法研究,负责人,12万元;
l 2011-2012,企业横向项目,基于物联网的智能公交网络规划技术研究与系统开发,项目编号:2011-0-1-04124), 负责人,40万元。
l 2008-2010,国家创新研究群体科学基金(70721001),“先进运作管理中的建模、优化与决策分析的基础理论与方法”,负责人,350万元;
l 2007-2010,国家杰出青年科学基金(70625001),‘优化理论与技术‘,负责人,140万元;
[1] 于洋,唐加福,《Seru生产方式》,科学出版社,25万字,2018。
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[4] Zhang Yu, Tang Jiafu(*). Itinerary Planning with Time Budget for Risk-Averse Travelers. European Journal of Operational Research. 2018, 267,288-303. (SCI)
[5] Zhang Yu, Baldacci Roberto, Sim Melvyn, Tang Jiafu. Routing Optimization with Time Windows under Uncertainty. Mathematical Program, Series A, 2018在线,2019出版,175:263-305
[6] Junwei Wang, Yang Yu(*), Jiafu Tang, 2018. Compensation and profit distribution for cooperative green pickup and delivery problem. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2018, 113C (2018): 54-69
[7] Zhang Yu, Tang Jiafu(*). A Robust Optimization Approach for Itinerary Planning with Deadline. Transportation Research: Part E,113(2018), 56-74
[8] Bowen Jiang, Jiafu Tang, Chongjun Yan. A Stochastic Programming Model for Outpatient Appointment Scheduling Considering Unpunctuality. Omega.2019,82,70-82.
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[12] Bowen Jiang, Jiafu Tang*, Chongjun Yan. A Comparison of Fixed and Variable Capacity-addition Policies for Outpatient Capacity Allocation. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. (SCI检索), 2019,37(1), 150-182
[13] Tang, Jiafu; Wang, Yu, An adjustable robust optimisation method for elective and emergency surgery capacity allocation with demand uncertainty, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH ,53(24): 2015, 7317-7328
[14] Jiafu Tang, Yang Yu, Jia Li, An exact algorithm for the multi-trip vehicle routing and scheduling problem of pickup and delivery of customers to the airport, Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and review, 73 (2015), 114–132.
[15] Yinghui Wu, Jiafu Tang, Yang Yu and Zhendong Pan, A Stochastic Optimization Model for Transit Network Timetable Design to Mitigate the Randomness of Traveling Time by Adding Slack Time, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technology, 2015,52, pp.15-31
[16] Yinghui Wu, Jiafu Tang and Xinggang Luo, Comparative analysis of operation strategies in schedule design for a fixed bus route, International Transactions in Operations Research, 2015, 22(3):545-562
[17] Yu WANG, Jiafu TANG, and Chongjun YAN, Particle Swarm Optimization Based Planning and Scheduling for a Laminar-Flow Operating Room with Downstream Resources, Soft Computing, 2015, 19(10) 2913-2926 .
[18] Wu, Zhiqiao; Tang, Jiafu; Kwong, C. K, An improvement on "Integrated production strategy and reuse scenario: A CoFAQ model and case study of mail server system development, OMEGA- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE,2015, 56: 50-52
[19] Chengkuan Zeng, Jiafu Tang, Chongjun YAN, Job-Shop Cell-Scheduling Problem with Inter-Cell Moves and Automated Guided Vehicles, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 26(5),2015, 845-859.
[20] Jiafu Tang, Chongjun Yan, Xiaoqing Wang, and Chengkuan Zeng, Using Lagrangian Relaxation Decomposition With Heuristic to Integrate the Decisions of Cell Formation and Parts Scheduling Considering Intercell Moves, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, VOL. 11, NO. 4, OCTOBER 2014, 1110-1121.
[21] Jiafu Tang, Chongjun Yan & Richard Y.K. Fung, Optimal appointment scheduling with no-shows and exponential service time considering overtime work, Journal of Management Analytics, 2014, Vol. 1, No. 2, 99–129.
[22] Yu, WANG, Jiafu TANG and Richard YK Fung, A column-generation-based heuristic algorithm for solving operating theater planning problem under stochastic demand and surgery cancellation risk, International Journal of Production Economics, 2014, 158(2014)28–36.
[23] Jiafu Tang, Jin Guan, Yang, YU and Jinyu CHEN, Beam Search Combined with Max-Min Ant Systems and Benchmarking Data Tests for Weighted Vehicle Routing Problem, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 11(4): 2014,Oct., pp1097-1109.
[24] Jiafu Tang, Chongjun YAN, Pingping CAO, Appointment scheduling algorithm considering routine and urgent patients, Expert Systems With Applications, 41 (2014), pp. 4529-4541.
[25] Jiafu Tang, Zhiqiao WU and CK Kwong, Integrated Production Strategy and Reuse Scenario: a CoFAQ Model and Case Study of Mail Server System Development, OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science, 41 (2013), pp. 536-552.
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