报告人:蒋镇辉 教授
邀请人:刘子龙 教授
报告题目:Unveiling the Competitive Dynamics: A Comparative Evaluation of American and Chinese LLMs
The recent AI Intelligence Index Report by Stanford University reveals increasingly fierce competition in AI development between China and the United States. While the U.S. leads in the number of foundational models, China has established a dominant position in AI patent filings. The burgeoning competition between the two superpowers in AI underscore the need for a comparative evaluation to understand the current state, anticipate future trajectories, and forge collaborative pathways that leverage the strengths of both nations.
In this context, we conducted a thorough evaluation of a selection of notable large language models (LLMs) from the U.S. and China, focusing on their performance in both English and Chinese contexts. We propose a systematic evaluation framework that examines a range of LLM specializations, encompassing natural language proficiency, disciplinary expertise, and safety and responsibility. The framework is designed to offer policymakers and businesses a comprehensive understanding of LLMs’ capabilities under various operational tasks and scenarios. Our assessment results show that American models, such as GPT-4 Turbo, demonstrate superior proficiency in English-language tasks, while ERNIE-Bot 4, developed by Baidu China, excels in Chinese-language tasks. The study also highlights disparities in LLM performance across languages and tasks, stressing the necessity for linguistically and culturally nuanced model development. Through this study, we aim to offer a better understanding of the competitive landscape in the global AI industry, bridge gaps in LLM development, and promote global technological cooperation.
蒋镇辉博士现任香港大学经管学院创新及资讯管理教授,夏利莱伉俪基金教授(战略信息管理),和香港大学经管学院深圳研究院学术委员会成员。他之前担任香港大学经管学院创新及咨询管理学术领域主任。在加入香港大学之前,他在新加坡国立大学计算机学院信息系统和商务分析系任正教授。蒋镇辉教授曾经担任国际信息系统协会SIGHCI的主席。他本科和硕士都毕业于北京清华大学,并于加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学获得管理信息系统专业的博士学位。蒋教授专长于信息系统,人工智能,电子商务,人机交互,虚拟/增强现实,隐私保护,社交媒体,以及行为数据分析。他的文章发表在顶级的信息系统杂志,包括MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems,和Journal of AIS,以及顶级计算机科学会议,包括CHI。
蒋教授现在担任信息系统领域最权威的学术期刊MIS Quarterly的高级编辑,他之前还在多个国际顶尖商业学术期刊担任编委,包括Journal of AIS高级编辑,以及MIS Quarterly和Information Systems Research的副编辑。蒋博士有丰富的教学经验,包括在香港大学经管学院,新加坡国立大学计算机学院、商学院、李光耀公共政策学院,以及清华大学经济管理学院教授DBA,MBA,国际MBA,EMBA,和高级管理培训。蒋镇辉教授也曾是麻省理工学院斯隆商学院访问学者,并在北京大学光华管理学院任特聘教授。
撰稿:赵永丽 审核:朱晗
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